
SFMA has you Covered for Spring Field Prep!

Your turfgrass survived the long, hard winter and now it is time to get your field ready for play again. Hopefully, you prepared your field for the winter during the fall and you are heading into the spring with a strong, healthy turfgrass stand. Even if your field is not in the condition you want it to be in at the beginning of spring, there are things you can do to get it ready for the first game. After all, you know that as soon as the weather breaks, your field will be a busy place. Click here to learn about Athletic Field Management in the Spring.

Spring is also a great time for soil testing. The basis for sound nutrient management and water quality protection programs in turf management revolves around soil testing. A “Basic Soil Test” will typically provide information on soil pH and the levels of the macronutrients phosphorus (P), potassium (K), magnesium (Mg) and calcium (Ca). Having this information can help you build an effective fertilization program for 2019. Check out SFMA’s bulletin on Utilizing Soil Tests in Nutrient Management for Sports Fields for more information on the process and how to interpret results.