
Ball Field Prep NESTMA Fall Turf Day October 12

How you prepare your ball fields in the late fall directly affects your success in the spring. Start with the right plan, add the right materials, use the right equipment, and you can ensure quality play right out of the gate next spring.

You and your crew will take away tips to effectively organize your maintenance practices, along with expert recommendations on tools and techniques you can put to work now including:

  • Grading
  • Mound and plate care
  • Scarifying, float dragging, drag patterns
  • Edging and lip maintenance
  • Moisture management
  • Topdressing

Join NESTMA for top notch, practical training at its best and remember – preparations for next year begin before this year ends!

For more information, or to register, visit https://nestma.org/event-4943010

The post Ball Field Prep NESTMA Fall Turf Day October 12 first appeared on SportsField Management.